Gen Alpha

Born 2013–2025 and wise beyond their years, this generation will be defined by their productivity and dedication to change.

Money Market: Gen Alpha


Money Market: Gen Alpha

With Generation Alpha largely viewing money as a digital concept, brands’ financial education is moving into playful, digital and socially consciou...
Youth : Society : FinTech

Micro Trends


With parents of Generation Alpha now home educators, brands are elevating playtime with tools that combine digital and analogue learning.
Youth : Technology : Gen Alpha
Flexitarian Meats

Micro Trends

Flexitarian Meats

Food products that mix meat with a healthy dose of vegetables are becoming a gateway for consumers curious about flexitarianism and plant-based eat...
Food : Meat : Health
Teen Tech Welfare


Teen Tech Welfare

Brands are playing an increasingly supportive role to parents and children to help them approach their digital lives more mindfully.
Media : Technology : Kids
Recreation Skincare

Micro Trends

Recreation Skincare

As interest in the great outdoors surges, beauty brands are recognising the need to upgrade the look and ingredients of their personal care products.
Health & Wellness : Beauty : Skincare
Generation Alpha are the new Old Fashioneds


Generation Alpha are the new Old Fashioneds

Helenor Gilmour, director of insight at Beano Studios, on how Millennial parents are raising a generation of gender-blind entrepreneurial activists.
Youth : Media : Social Media
Bold Baby Food

Micro Trends

Bold Baby Food

To foster a new generation of adventurous eaters, brands are offering flavourful new baby foods with herbs, roots and spices from the global pantry.
Food : Youth : Health
Families have evolved. Why haven’t brands caught up?


Families have evolved. Why haven’t brands caught up?

Brands and advertisers are ignoring modern families. Could one solution lie in switching around the creatives and therefore cultural nous at compan...
Advertising : Future Family : Identity
Are deep fakes the future of personalised advertising?


Are deep fakes the future of personalised advertising?

AI is enabling a new form of hyper-personal influencer marketing. MSc Strategic Fashion Management graduates Helen Wang and Joanna Lanceley explain...
Advertising : Retail : AI
Why flop accounts aren’t the future of news


Why flop accounts aren’t the future of news

They might be labelled the most woke generation yet, but the Instagram accounts of today’s teenagers tell a different story.
Youth : ​Generation Z : Media
Dove is rewriting the rules of female beauty


Dove is rewriting the rules of female beauty

Sophie Galvani, global vice-president of Dove, on smashing stereotypes and celebrating beauty idiosyncrasies in the age of Algorithmic Beauty.
Beauty : Female Futures : Media
Premium play spaces

Big Ideas

Premium play spaces

Created with the offspring of wealthy Millennials in mind, these luxury leisure spaces bring parents and children together for elevated bonding exp...
Youth : Luxury : Leisure
What will wellness look like in 2030?

Big Ideas

What will wellness look like in 2030?

Through the lens of a fictional future scenario, we ask how brands in 2030 will redefine wellness, negate collective burnout and help us embrace ou...
Far Futures : Health : Wellness

Micro Trends


Travel and hospitality brands are levelling up their services to embrace the thrills, sights and sounds of competitive gaming.
Travel : Hospitality : Tourism
Prom night must become a beacon of inclusivity


Prom night must become a beacon of inclusivity

It’s time to put outdated traditions to rest. Schools across the globe have a responsibility to provide inclusive events that are open to all.
Youth : Fashion : Education
Biodegradable data is starting to grow up


Biodegradable data is starting to grow up

Monika Seyfried and Cyrus Clarke discuss their project Grow Your Own Cloud, a speculative service that helps consumers store their data – in the DN...
Technology : Health : Wellness
LGBT+ Parenting Market


LGBT+ Parenting Market

LGBT+ Parenting is on the rise, which means brands need a fresh approach to marketing to this unapologetic, influential consumer group.
Society : Parenting : LGBT
The unexpected UX potential of folding smartphones


The unexpected UX potential of folding smartphones

Why flat interfaces will fall out of favour as designers tap into the compelling benefits and experiences that foldable screens can offer.
Design : Technology : Smartphones
Women’s football revolution


Women’s football revolution

Nicolas Bastide, from the FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019 Local Organising Committee, on brand and audience opportunities in women’s football.
Sport : Female Futures : Media
eSports players need better health protection


eSports players need better health protection

While the negative stigma around gaming is gradually fading, eSports is still some way from becoming a recognised competitive activity.
ESports : Gaming : Health
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